Candy Japan

K went to Japan in early August. August is not the best time to visit Osaka, because it I got a phone call on the first Tuesday of K's visit and K said that the visit had included a stay at the Kinki University Hospital for heatstroke. K said the hospital was "the nicest K had ever seen", and blocks of ice and gatorade-like substances were provided. K was embarrassed about the incident but then Shuto, one of the other Kinki University students, had to spend a whole day in the hospital as a result of an allergic reaction to mosquito bites and the bamboo they were sanding for a sculpture, so K felt less self-conscious. K had an amazing time and wants to go back. Candy was also brought back from Japan for J and I. The candy is gorgeous, even if it is not technically candy-as-we-know-it. It's much less sweet. The little package above is a small meal of rice flour with a bean paste center, like biscuit dough and jam. The ones I liked best were some kind of clear rice or agar with a tangerine slice embedded in the center, very squishy, not too sweet, perfect for hot weather. Also rather filling.
