Sophie, Complete
This is my other Sophie (I did not name Sophie Cushion the Beryl, but her name was too hilarious to change). This Sophie has been awkwardly living on several different bodies, until last week I gave up and found a second-hand Granado body that she is supposed to have, and bought it.
This unfortunately frees up a body and in possibly record time, I have a possible candidate coming to check it out. So in order to make room, I have been going around trying to decide who needs to stay and who needs to go. The "to go" list is depressingly short. Several very old timers are still necessary to my happiness and have zero value on the open market, the less-dear but more expensive ones would be hard to replace, and so on. One possibility is Garnet's head, as she is basically a Vesuvia with some interesting headcap details, and I have a Vesuvia already. Her cyborg body has been claimed by Breccia, and I never felt that the Garnet head was a smooth match with the new body (and I did not buy them together). But she is pretty. I might see if I could trade her for a NS Onyx head, but I don't know. She does have a super faceup from when she belonged to DollInk:
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