Queen Sophie

I did this year's inventory (and I took photos too, but I need to resize them) and of course Sophie Cushion, Original Soom Beryl, is still the ruler of all the dolls. I do have 4 Beryls of various lineages, but Sophie is Queen. From left to right, Jeline, a Love Me or Die Beryl formerly owned by Lelahel (I keep thinking I should buy at least one Lelahel outfit that I see go by on Den of Angels, because I am sure Jeline misses her former owner's sewing skills); next is Lorina, a Beryl Haze of Phantasm (she was offered in purple as well, but I am happy with Lorina's pinky white), then Free Choice Beryl Zenobia, who needs her lashes curled and her eyebrows darkened; and of course Sophie Herself, the Original Beryl. (That was a dress I made for Jeline, and guess who stole it :D )