
Showing posts from September, 2020

Souldoll Juno, Glitter Version

  Here she is in "Neutral Tan" (which you pay extra for) and ..horns! The horns are so cute--in fact the whole candy toned "look" of Juno is just darling-- and I want to climb in there and live in her little pink and blue world :D However, I did add up the options I "wanted" and it came to over 600.00 USD so I think maybe I will admire from afar. Also they did not sell the lavender wig, which is one of the best things about her outfit. But you should definitely go check her out--she is so cute all over!

Equinox with Nathan Pyle (and Some Aliens)

  Also, this is what happened with 2020 "What does this button do?" maybe we should turn 2020 off and turn it on again.

Random Monday Photos

  Sicktress sent me a box of gorgeous clothes! There were so many I haven't even gone through them all, though I did use the back of a cloak that was a matte black to photograph some lace for a 3d project: The lace around the bottom of the skirts is the lace that I scanned :D Anyway, here is an inspiring little jacket modelled by Phoenix Doll Android Mei: I did swap the buttons on the back for smaller ones--the one it came with were beautiful but almost too large to go through the buttonholes. It fits her perfectly--she just needs compatible pants now! Here is Honey in another pretty outfit from the box--those pants! Mermaid pants! So Sicktress has now made many of my dolls much more stylish--thank you SO MUCH! <3