Amber, Soiled Spirit

I ordered her in May and she is here already!! Unpainted, because at the time Covid was making it hard to get faceups. Wish me luck in painting her up today :D Soom has made a few really good changes in how they make dolls--I wish they had done these years ago because some of the simplest changes will help the most. The new certificates have the actual name of the doll on them! I can't tell you how many times I have mixed up Soom certificates here and had to flail around to match the correct card with the correct doll. The other new thing is that there is now a second original certificate for the *body* as well so when you split a doll, there is no sad little photocopied "certificate" that goes with the body, or worse, when you let go of the original certificate with the body and then realize that you want to sell the head later. (sad face). The Owners manual is the pink thing you see in the back, all updated with the current stringing and parts. There is now a rfid chip...