Building a Flying Bee

It looks boxy and dumb right now, but I managed to model something with a lot of parts, and map all of the parts, and then load all the parts into Daz Studio, assemble the parts and actually SAVE THE PARTS so I can share it. I just need to put the real final textures on it. While I did manage to map every part, I did not do such a professional job on it that I know exactly what items on the map correspond with the model, so I have to figure that out as I paint it. But I learned all kinds of tricks and tips making it! Including if you are going to make something for a Daz Studio human figure to use, you should probably put it next to the figure early in the building process-- because when I first imported the BeeBike into Studio, the woman here could have put it in her pocket :D *yes, I know she has no shoes. I have shoes, but I was afraid I would crash the file if I added yet more polygons at that point.