Random Photos and Renders

So I am not dead, just busy doing renders for Renderosity with their new version of Poser 11--the render above is "SOS" because the new male figure (barely visible on the left) has almost nothing for clothes yet as he is Brand New and a morph of Renderosity's new female character La Femme. So he actually fits her clothes and they don't look bad, just undignified. L'Homme does have some fun new characters and surface textures, though, including this guy by 3Dream:

I also spent hours and hours moving over old Poser models (the laundromat above was one of them that I forgot I had) and trying to reassemble them in Poser 11. Most of the simpler textures still work in the new renderer, but not all, and some of the files I bought from Daz years ago have the geometry missing or hidden, though they work in Daz Studio still. (Glares at Daz). That said, I am also learning how to use Image Based Lighting in Daz and making my own light probes. And rendering a new character by gypsyangel: Leolani for Genesis 8 Female:

She has a whole bunch of glowing tattoos, they are really fun to use.

 My Christmas lily that I bought after Christmas on sale bloomed:

It's been cold and wet:

J made lemon-ginger scones:

The Teeny Gem body I ordered from Soom arrived! It's for Bella but I will need to dye it the same bronze color she is:

I also sold a couple of paintings at a show in Boston last weekend (mailed in), watched politics on TV, and did some texturing of an outfit for the clothes-challenged L'Homme.

So that is what I have been doing :D

Tomorrow is the January Doll Show in Naperville!
