A Blythe Doll

 Cat talked me into buying one--she has such a cute (if slightly alarming) Blythe of her own, named Poppy-- so I thought I would go look on Ebay and see what I could find--if you look on Etsy they are customized Blythes but they cost around 200USD up, which I wasn't willing to pay, but on Ebay I found a really cute one for the cost of a low end dinner out--she even came with a dress and shoes and hair! 


And when she arrived, I spent like ten minutes looking at her, told Cat she had arrived, and then decided to see what was going on inside her head. Luckily Cat is smarter than I am, and linked me to a You Tube video that showed how to get into the head--it's not as simple as unscrewing the three screws on the back off--you have to use inappropriate force and a screwdriver to pop the back off the supporting plastic pylons AND unhook the spring with a tiny crochet hook--the spring is attached to the back of the head on a tiny bar above the pull mechanism. Here you can see the monofilament I attached to the spring so I could pull it tight again when I closed the back:

 Also do this over a smooth floor so you can retrieve the screws. Turned out she has 4 sets of eyes in there--blue, gray, pink and amber! Pink ones:

Fun but maybe a bit much. I clicked her back to the gray side glancing ones :D. I'd say her body alone is roughly Skipper sized, but it's own shape. I also have extra hands for her now, though I need to blush them tan. I like her a lot, but I can see I only need one :D She needs more clothes.


  1. Fern is FABULOUS! :) We need to hook her up with Russian clothes. (Poppy says those are the best.)


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