The Purple Beryl
Yes, there IS a PURPLE (!!) version and it is a beautiful color!! And since I knew she was coming, I was able to use some saved credit card points to order my own Haze of Phantasm Peony White. I know you are saying, but isn't ..purple..the reason you wanted a Purple Beryl? Well, the truth is a) I really really like the Peony White..and I know I can paint a face on it, while I was very uncertain of my ability to paint on a darker surface. Since I have had Covid I do better working on things with a lot of contrast. I did have to ponder it overnight, though :D Anyway, I did order the hoofed version. You can order her with the legs and hooves, and with both the Romantic and open eyed heads (this is the Romantic eye head), and with either the Extra legs or the simple legs (I always say get the Extra legs, it makes posing so much easier) and either a small bust or the regular bust. (both are nice, Beryl's head is a medium sized head for the slim body, so the bigger bust ...