Souldoll Hannah, Black Swan


Souldoll's styling is so gorgeous! Whoever designs their clothes has such an eye for beautiful textures and complementary shapes! Hannah is another Zenith girl with BIG eyes :D I've learned that if you like the look of the dolls, you need to find the wig--even if you get the factory paint, the wigs are always an important part of the Souldoll "look".

I had Light Agnes on the new body, and I loved her sculpt and her hands but the body itself is a bit stiff and hard to pose--the legs are good, but the torso seems awkward and like many bjds, she isn't very good at sitting. The older Zenith bodies didn't seem to have this problem, though the knees were not as sophisticated. But if you want her as a fullset in a case, maybe sitting isn't important :D
