One of my very first ball-jointed dolls was just a head. A free head, that a friend got as a freebie with another doll order. He looked sort of anime, with big ears--he was a Dream of Doll Tender Lahoo, and he went through a whole progression of ridiculous bodies, from a cloth one I put together: to a two-toned thing (note the blue wig, and Delf hands): To a tall, lanky Resinsoul body with a regular, if used Lahoo head: To finally, a splendid and hard-to-find Immortality of Soul "G", that I stumbled upon on the secondary market at 4 AM one morning, before anyone else saw it. He's painted now, not very well, but close to what I wanted. He just needs all new clothes, since he's a very different size and shape from the Resinsoul version. I will say this about the cloth body--it was easy to pose. This version needs his arms restrung and wired, as they are far too tight! I'm still very, very happy with this version!