
This week I finally got around to getting a carpet guy ("Mike") to come and look at my floors and work up estimates for various floor coverings. The stairs need to be done first, as they are filthy from last winter and stinky from the previous owner's pugs, but since it was a small area I wanted to give Mike more to do, and the carpet I want (beige with brown speckles) can go anywhere as it looks pre-dirty and bland, so I asked him to include the small bedroom as well in his estimate. He took my sample and went off, and I haven't heard back from him yet, which is OK since he told me he was in "carpet hell" doing a hi-rise in downtown Chicago. They have to reserve time on the freight elevator, and there is nowhere to park the van. He said they got "One unit" done after an entire day of driving, elevatoring and laying carpet. So I am assuming he is busy this week. In the meantime I ripped out the carpet in the bedroom, to see what bad news was underneath. Suspect, stinky 50's vinyl tile, that is what. So that will need to be buried somehow--I already ran a coat of polymer varnish over the missing spots to seal in the mastic. Stripey helped through all of this:
I did also mow the lawn, cleaned some throw rugs to put outside, and took some photos. We still have some frogs:
A ton of bees, both domestic from our neighbor down the street, probably, and wild bumblebees:
and some Admiral butterflies, that I was only able to get upside down:
Stripey loves yard work too.
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