Painting the Kitchen

Since Jon is out at a plant in Ohio, and it's warm enough to open the windows, painting has resumed in the house. I really wanted to finish the one wall in the living room and fix the curtains before I started anything else, so I decided I would primer over the beige paint instead of just relying on the "paint+primer" that Home Depot claims their paint has. Mind you, Home Depot has really excellent paint, but it still doesn't cover as well as a base coat of primer, and I would have saved myself a lot of work in the hallway if I had just primered first. The living room primering went really fast since most of the prep work was done, and I still had a pan full of primer, and I hate to waste it (and I refuse to pour that much paint into my septic system) so I went ahead and did some of the prep work in the kitchen, where I had already caused some smoke damage on the ceiling. Here is the original Sunburst gold on the walls, and where I have started to run primer over it:
It was incredibly hot and humid (it was raining outside) and the inefficient Refrigerator of Fail pumps hot air into the kitchen like a champ, plus it was all ladder work, which is even warmer since one's head is next to the ceiling. And for obvious reasons I didn't want to run the ceiling fan. So this is why I am wearing a cute little floral dress instead of jeans:
By ten o' clock PM I was basically done, and then I saw a little "fold" of paint stuck by one of the outlets, and I took my paint scraper and scraped it...and unzipped a blob of paint the size of my arm, like peeling wallpaper. The humidity and years of cooking on the stove (and you can't tell me putting a microwave 13 inches above said stove is up to code) had made all the layers of paint on the wall behind the stove "adhere poorly" to the wall itself.
So I took the scraper and took off all the old paint and re-primered it, and went to bed around midnight. I would have been more dismayed but honestly EVERY PROJECT I have ever done in ANY HOUSE I have lived in has had a WTF moment of some kind or another. I've gotten used to it.
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