Mitsuwa in June, and a Toad

Yes, that is a Dollshe Grant Phillippe, cast up in the Elf Green. He is much larger than I thought he'd be, and he's dressed in paper leaves (outfit by Rachel, who did the dress for Marguerite a few posts back). He looks fabulous!
The same person who owns Phillippe also has a Volks Yukinojo, beautifully dressed in Dollheart (he said that he got the full outfit by chance from getting a couple of Dollheart's fukuburu). I always think of this mold as an "Adrian" from JennyNemesis' Adrian :D
Here's some of Akutenshi7's crew, looking cute-- from left to right, her raver dryad, a Fairyland Minifee Luka; an Angell-Studio Cassie and a little matching kaiju critter; a Soom Thera; and a Dream of Doll cutie with Soom hooves. This was probably the best photo I took all day because I spent the rest of the time socializing instead of taking photos of everyone, and I also got a lot of blurry ones this time for some reason, including this one, which should have been much better--they are a Dollshe Bernard and an Impdoll Iris on her real Model Body:
I also only got a blurry pic of Francesca's cutie, who has a wonderful faceup:
I did take a picture of Mirabelle, my Elfdoll Hazy, who somehow ended up holding the DOC boy--I'm sure she would say "I don't really like children", but she didn't drop him either, and Martine, who actually sat for the entire time without flopping over:
Jon came in from the shed this morning and told me there was a toad on the concrete in front of it, and he was still there by the time I got back out there with the camera:
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