Dika Doll Pan
Isn't he pretty?? I had a Dikadoll years ago, a 60 cm one and while I loved his face, I wasn't crazy about his body aesthetically, though it worked perfectly well. Now Dika has an improved, taller male body (this guy is 73 cm) and I am quite impressed! Pan's fullset is glorious too: Just so nice all around. Really great faceup too: And he's good even blank! Dikadolls, while not cheap, are not as expensive as Iples, you can take a look here on Alices' Collections: http://www.acbjd.com/pan-p-11680.html?cPath=44_46 I think he would be excellent with jointed hands , also from Dikadoll (listed in the sidebar of Alices' Main Page) If I had room for him I'd totally put him on layaway. But I would have to do a major selloff to do that..which I probably should do anyway to pay for some house stuff.