Sophie, Cherie, and a Cotton Cake

So I have been cleaning, and that means that dolls are being moved around. To free up room for my shoes, I actually put some dolls back in storage; I just need to remember that I still have them and not start rummaging around on the MP to shell a character I already have downstairs in a box. Sophie normally lives in her custom wooden box terrarium that J built, but it needed dusting inside and out, so Sophie had a chance to be out and about briefly. I just love her feet--the original paint is in bad shape, but any repairs will be for the next person who has her to do--right now I just like seeing how Soom blushed her. It looks cool in person, though yellow does seem like an odd choice for body blushing. It looks nice with the browns and greens, though!

(I added the fur cushioning to keep the hocks from chipping.) Cherie, a Magic Mirror Studios Siobhan, was keeping her company in the box, and probably running errands for her, too. Cherie looked glad to be out as well; I put her back in the general population in the closet once I was done with dusting.  I took a couple of photos first:

(I suspect these were for Sophie) Here's a treat just for Cherie:

And here is a treat for us that J made--the "Cotton Cake"(aka Jiggly Cheesecake):

It's from the video series "Cooking Tree", here:
