Dream Walker Horns Arrive!

I'm so happy Soom is selling the extra parts a la carte--these are from the Dream Walker release. The Heliot Dream Ripper head wings are available right now as a standalone, by the way, they are also nice! These came with the full set of magnets and as Sophie Cushion is the old version of Beryl, she has the magnet pockets for head horns--I glued in the magnets but just taped in the magnets in her headcap, since I didn't want to get glue on her or be stuck with just one set of horns, in case other horns show up that would be fun. These are the "wine" ones and I am glad I chose that color instead of the red. I'm considering putting a tiny wash of gold over them, but I haven't made up my mind yet. They came with a wonderful "ornament" as well:
I also bought SophieC. some shoes:
Soom's tiny shoes are a nice as human shoes, and cost about the same as well :o. Luckily SophieC. doesn't wear them out.
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