Mitsuwa In June

Yes, it's June and I can now put my own fruit on my cereal. The garden got a slow start this year because of snow in April (cranky face), but now it seems to be making up for lost time. Yesterday a very small group of us got together at Mitsuwa, probably because it was a glorious day outside and people were doing other things, but we had fun anyway. Akutenshi brought Dr. Cameo (A Luts Chloe) in her splendid steampunk sari, and did I take a photo of her in her outfit? No, just a detail of the beading:

Luckily, I remembered that Akutenshi sent me a photo that she took of Dr. Cameo's outfit from the front (and her cute little face--she is a Luts Chloe)

There was a Sailor Moon Dollfie Dream there, in her fullset:

Little adorable Yuri on Ice guys:

(You can see in the background that Mitsuwa is no longer peeling paint and green and purple light--it's very nice now!)

I really loved this pair--the tan guy is home-dyed to the most gorgeous caramel color--I love how the iPoly dye looks, it gives some natural color variation to the resin. He's a Souldoll Vito (I think "Liam") and he looks so nice in person--in photos their necks look a little thick in proportion to the small heads, but in person they look great--plus they are so fun to pose and handle! He is small Idealian size, about  52cm tall. I love his feet :D His bestie mermaid is a event FL head and a small-busted centaur body on the Alicia Mermaid body, and that tail is gorgeous--and so fragile! The side fins are held on with magnets and look ready to drop off any minute, so it needed to be handled with extreme care. Eventually Liam will get a long dragon-like dreaded wig, so he will be even cooler.

Mitsuwa has a vendor in the food court that makes..tuna sandwiches. Which are more like Extreme Futomaki. It looked delicious but I was working on a Real Bubble Tea, which I was able to order with "no sugar" which meant that it was still sweet, but not tooth-dissolving sweet. They are still really filling with the tapioca bubbles. 
