A Mermaid Re-Upholsters an Office Chair; and Kane County Doll Show, Sunday, Sept 29th

This is the Mermaid's Den tutorial on fixing an office chair, and it immediately caught my interest, since I have a chair that is perfectly good--except for the tatty pleather upholstery. And this was the Mermaid's Before photo:

Um yeah, and this is my current chair:

I think fabric will look better than duct tape. The tutorial is very complete and detailed--you need a staple gun and a curved upholstery needle. (I think everyone should be given a staple gun as soon as they reach 18, I use mine all the time). Here is the base link to her blog:


It's a great blog all around, lots of resources on sewing and vintage sewing machines.
If you need something to do next Sunday and you live in Chicagoland, there is this:

It's at the Kane County Fairgrounds (free parking!) and inside so if it's raining (entirely possible) you still will be dry and comfortable. I have been to the doll shows Karla Moreland runs at the Naperville Marriott and it's always a good time, especially if you like antique dolls. I don't collect much of anything they display --but  I still love the show; and manage to find things I need like elastic, books tiny hats, props, and trim.

I won't be there--I actually have work to do! Yay monies!
