Dollshe Diana 61--50% off, Sicktress Sends Me Armor

For a 61cm Dollshe, that is a great price. Diana is super cute, even more so than the shop photos (do a Google Image Search for more, color pix). I read that there were 33 pieces left this morning in the email I received, but at this price I think that number may change fast. Now that I have Ausley I kind of want more bodies, they pose so nicely. Sadly, I have more practical expenses!

Sicktress sent me a box of goodies--she painted the Luts head for me, who somehow has been named Baby Face, since he is a wizard who messed up an eternal youth spell:

HAHA look at that pout! He is so fun already! He was an amazing gift and I am going to see if I can swap a body I have in storage for one that matches him more, like a Band G or any of the smoother, less muscly male bodies, maybe an old Volks SD 12 if I can find one. It just needs to be under 200.

Sicktress also sent me this AMAZEBALLS torso armor!!!

It was intended for my Granado Boyd but Pacle stole it and isn't giving it up, just like his wig, sort of living up to his profession of being a Florentine mercenary c.1400. On the other hand he hasn't managed to get me to sew him pants, which is why the photo is cropped a bit :D

I also received in the mail from Etsy a Selenite orb, which came somewhat battered from it's trip, which was a shame since I had planned to give it as a gift. I might try buying one again, since it, even a little scratch and dent, looks fabulous:


  1. Have a conversation with the seller, since it clearly wasn't packed properly. A full refund or a new, perfect globe is called for.

    1. I did, I haven't heard back but I used their contact off their business card so I could send larger photos and give obnoxious shipping pointers :D It needed to be double boxed and not have the stand shipped pressed against it. But the chips actually buffed out pretty well, and I am keeping it--it wasn't that expensive (especially compared to a doll head!).


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