Fabulous Rocks

I have been rooting around looking for the few rocks I brought from New Jersey (almost none, it turns out, because it seems silly to ship rocks when one is being charged by the pound for one's household goods. But Akutenshi came over last Sunday with some other rocks for me to photograph and paint, and they were awesome. The first rock below belongs to her jeweler friend Megan:

I have no idea what it is... besides amazing!

This is a larimar geode (Akutenshi's)

Citrine with a tunnel!

And Akutenshi brough me some specimens to keep! A perfect agate geode, both halves (this is one half)

A beautiful green stone neither of us could identify--the color was in layers, almost like mica:

Aaand (drumroll) a good sized opal boulder. SQUEE!! I am just guessing it is a Koroit boulder? I have seen You Tube videos of people digging out boulders just like this from holes in Koroit. I kind of want to go and dig in the dirt myself ;)

Side view:

They are so cool. I am staying away from Rock Paradise but it is hard. :D I did buy something for Akutenshi for Christmas but that is it..unless I sell something!


  1. I think your green buddy is chrysocolla
    Love rocks!

    1. I'll have to look it up--apparently there is such a thing as mica with potassium included, which makes it green and apparently "faintly radioactive" (like bananas, I guess). When I googled it there were a lot of places you could buy it ground... for eyeshadow base! With "fashion names!" I totally love rocks :D I just got some Danish flint tumbled stones and they were smaller than expected, but so pretty! Nicely heavy!


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