More Summer Tinies

It seems to be the season for adorable tinies, though Soom seems to have decided to use a flip book to design this cutie--it's a bee..bear..cutie human elf tiny thing! 0_o. It is adorable if mystifying. Apparently the "bee butt" option doubles as a weapon, undignified as that sounds. Luckily for me it falls into the forbidden tiny category (and now you see why I am not allowed the little things, because I love them and soon you couldn't open the front door for them), but if I WAS to buy one, I would get a yellow one, sell the stinger and wings, and find some hooves from one of the other releases..and make a tiny giraffe. And it would be squeeably cute! Here's the sales page with accompanying fable. (This one is less demented than most, believe it or not).
