An Impldoll New Star Male Body and an Iplehouse SID body

For those of you who have rolling Iplehouse heads and no bodies to put them on, may I suggest Impldoll's upgraded Star Body? This is not the EID sized Idol body, but a smaller sized body that is pretty close to the SID size. A Iplehouse Bane head or a Lee head would work pretty well. The Impldoll neck is quite forgiving of all sizes as it tapers inward and not outward (Iplehouse necks are mushroom-shaped):
The posing is pretty good on both--Gideon, my Impldoll, suffers from wanting to cross his legs because of his internal hip cross-stringing, and he also has small, slippery feets:
I suspect those are the original Star body feet, who was smaller all around (I have a couple of the older Star bodies, they are fabulous if not terribly handsome) The new Impldoll Star body has only two parts, the lower and upper torso, there is no waist joint:
This joint is the same on both the SID and the Star body, though the edges are designed differently and the SID moves more easily than the Star body does:
The advantage of the rigid torso is that both bodies stand well, though Gideon slips a bit on his shiny feet:
Gideon has a bit of trouble moving his legs apart to stand, but he can be coaxed into doing it:
It's very easy for Bryan, since he is strung very loosely--I find that he works perfectly well even sloppily strung, since his joints fit well and don't need the traction of the elastic as much as Gideon does.:
Both guys have the mobility cut in the thigh, and I like it:
It lets Bryan sit like this, for example:
If you are wondering about resin matches, I know the Dark Brown is fairly close to Iplehouse Ebony, (but spraying can change that, msc will lighten the darker resins a bit), and Iplehouse Normal Skin/ Impldoll Normal Pink are really close:
The difference in color here is from Gideon being older and slightly faded--he's also spent more time "out" at my house, while Bex (Iplehouse Rebecca SID) has been kept put away more. One of the things I like about the Impldoll is the pride they take in having no seams on the dolls, and because they are about half the price of the Iplehouse dolls, I am more comfortable taking risks with them for a photo, and letting them hang out around the house for Stripey to sit on.
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