Mitsuwa March 21

The Mitsuwa meet-up had lots of people--so many that I missed some latecomers, as J and I don't stay late. (J has only so much patience with doll foolery, though he doesn't mind doing a couple of hours poking around Mitsuwa itself). This is a Dollzone planthro, I think one of the event dolls, and would come up to the knee of one of my dolls. Who knew a little flower could be so cute?
And speaking of cute, here is another tiny person--look at her compared to the foot on the right.
And yes, there was a Tiny Aileen Dragon doll, the baby for the regular-sized dragon:
And there was a Tiny Rachel, who Rachel said that everyone called this cutie "Rayray" (I don't remember her actual mold, perhaps a Doll Family girl?)
I wish this photo below was better, the doll in the center is a tan Linlan, which is pretty rare--Dollzone quit making tan dolls and Linlan wasn't very common to begin with. This one is a beautiful one, not only because of her tattoos but it was a good clean cast of the mold. ( Back in the beginning, around 2007 Dollzone used to pull dolls out of molds even when the mold was getting funky--the Linlan I had was not as nice as this one, and not tan.)
That is a newer DollZone doll, a Stramonium--the interesting thing about her is that is I think the third Stramonium that I have seen with cat/dragon eyes--there is just something about that girl that seems... dragony!
Then there is this adorable Pullip. I like Pullips a lot, so I am not allowed to buy them. Also they have dinky Monster-high sized feet, so that can be a problem getting shoes.
A handsome Switch man...I wish I had taken a full photo of him, his outfit was splendid from head to toe! There was also this neat crocheted hat:
A couple of either Dollfie Dreams or perhaps SQ Labs girls (I'm not really knowlegable about the big vinyl girls, and there are a lot of them!)
Here's a Resinsoul Dai or Ai, with the nicest little hooves:
Francesca's cutie had a new wig to try on:
It was just a Festival of Cute all around!
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