
Beachgirl's Beryl arrived today, partly disassembled and carefully wrapped in a box, with a complete outfit (that my other Beryl, Antimony, immediately stole). I feel sort of bad that I paid so little for her--she was in very good shape aside from some patterned fading from clothes. She was able to wear the first wig I popped on her and the eyes I had set aside for her, and I had no trouble sueding or restringing her (she had one continuous string and I like two strings on the tall dolls). Altogether she was one of the most cooperative dolls I have ever received...and I think she is so pretty. I need to find her some more pink clothes though--I put on an actual nightgown top thing I had in a drawer and the color is great on her:
She is just standing there, by the way, with no stand and no fiddling!
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