Lego Elves

K has been entertaining herself here by building Lego elf sets--there are 4 elves and they have various things including a Magic Bakery for the Fire elf, and while K said that one "spoke to her," we decided to get the ship, because it came with two elves. The elves themselves are about two inches high and built like 2 inch tall, very satisfactory Polly Pockets, with detachable rubbery hair in fun colors.
The set that comes with the guy elf is a crystal observatory/laboratory/I have no idea, but it comes with a squirrel and an acorn catapult (that sort of works). It says ages 7 and up-- but even K struggled with the ship, and finally settled for some pieces of the steering gear left off, since she didn't want to pull it all apart to get them in correctly. I am sure magic can steer the ship fine, even without the gears and bits. Everything is really cute once it's assembled. I'm always put off by the actual lego parts, but I love the figures.
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