Impldoll Idol Posing (mildly nsfw)

By request, Kip (Impldoll Plaice) taking some photos with a duct tape "camera". For his size, he is an amazing, stable poser:
Just standing around...
Holding something (a bit blurry but you can see he holds up his arms without wiring).
Here using his torso joint, which works fine, and Gideon (Chapman head on a Star Man body) being ridiculous--I honestly just plopped him down like that and he stood fine. Gideon lacks the upper arm mobility cuts, and I think he would pose a bit better with them, though he is not bad..he is a lot shorter than Kip.
Here, kneeling for the right angle, with Gideon looking depressed about something..wearing clothes, maybe.
One more:
(He's not wired--wiring would make him even more posable.)
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