Nanna's Prayer Card

I've been busy finishing up another prayer card for Ganglieri's Grove, and I also received back a number of the printed up cards--they are really nice-- good heavy stock and bright colors and some nicer formatting than my raw image files. Nanna is Baldr's wife (all of these gods have very variant spellings, which incidentally makes it hard for me to find my working files while I am doing these :D). I have another goddess I am anxious to start on since I have a good idea of what to do with her (not everyone is as cooperative).
I did get a shipment of two (!) inexpensive Mirodoll bodies--they were on sale and with shipping came to around 250.00, like buying Tonners. Unlike Tonners, the resin was very good and the boy body especially was very well finished--no seams. If you like to mod and sand and fuss with bodies, these are great. I'm planning on doing some detail sanding on the hands and sueding, but there is less basic kit work to be done than I expected. I will restring them. here's the guy, a nice stocky short dude at 60 cm:
The girl body is slim and pretty, around 62 cm, and would be perfect for my Impldoll Karena head if I wasn't already waiting for the Granado Maiden body. Any small NP head should look nice on her--unlike the boy, she has hooks supplied in her hands and feet. She will need some sueding in her knees and elbows because there is a lot of space in there, but otherwise I was impressed with the quality for the price.
They also arrived via DHL with an advanced text, and it cost less than EMS. In theory Mirodoll will cast in colors too. The wait time was fairly short--around 30 days though I suspect Mr. Muscle was already in stock--he had that cleaned and settled look that dolls have when they aren't fresh out of the caster. So a definite "would buy again" from Mirodoll!
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