The Simply Divine Shoes At Home

Cat and Liz got together and SENT ME A PAIR FOR CHRISTMAS!! And even J, who is not given to either noticing shoes or hyperbole, said they were "magnificent". And they are. They are not super hard resin, but slightly soft--enough to flex a little to get on a foot, but stiff enough to support a Super Gem's weight. Here is Shalimar, a Soom Gray Galena, wearing them--and you have to know that Shal is so loose that I was able to swap her flat feet for heel feet just using my fingers (I was able to pull out a 3 inch loop of elastic from her leg to get the heel feet on.) So of course she doesn't stand up on her own..and I haven't sueded her ankles..but here she is standing in the Simply Divine heels.
Because they have a bit of "grip" to them, they not only stand securely on the smooth surface of the table, her feet don't slip in them.
I might have to just buy another pair for one of my other Soom girls...this color is Mistletoe, and I love equally the gold and the white. Liz does such wonderful work! Here is her etsy if you want to stare at her beautiful Medusa Valentina as well.
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