He's like the boy version of Breccia , and the pinkest, cutest "all Purpose Fox Boy" you will ever see. It's only 150USD over his base price to get the fullset of hands, ears and fancy feet. He's really cute (I admit I love pink) but some of this is great photography and styling. At home he'd still be the tall, mildly- unstable- standing guy with ears that bump out of position if you look sideways at them. That said, you should also order his wig and go to ebay for a National Artcraft stand if you want him, and probably also buy some plastic cherry blossoms. :D He comes in Cream White and Baby Pink. Here's a shot of the body, since there isn't one in the promos--this is the new Soom Super Gem 2016 body: I need to make this guy some clothes.... And here is a better link for the National Artcraft Doll Stands !