Laurel's New Outfit, the Car Stepped in Gum, Small Painting WIP

Rajendora (Sewing Box Designs, on the sidebar to the left) made this perfect outfit for Laurel. Laurel is currently on an SID body, which meant that I had to put a spacer under her chin and hold her head on with a Soom resin"banana," all in the interest of having a lighter-weight body with no magnet feet. And the outfit is SO CUTE. It also snaps in front and is so easy to get on, and the beads just are the cherry on top. Laurel just needs some matching blue boots to go with it. Rajendora sews the best things! We went to see if a book I was looking for might be at the used book store. It was not, and the car stepped in gum in the lot: I still came home with two CJ Cherryh books I had not read before (The Faded Sun series). I also signed up for the waiting list for a science fiction show in Boston, so I have started some small painting for that--they need to be able to go through the mail, and it turns out I like painting small. I have made a lot of progress since th...