The Library in the Library

Inside the Nichols library in Naperville is a tiny library built into a niche in the wall, it looks quite real, if deserted. The whole thing is the size of a microwave oven.

I now have an accidental doll--for some reason Dollmore dolls just show up here without me really knowing why. Now Huey Lewis has a friend, a Bella Auden. I love how quirky and personable Dollmore sculpts are--this is one of their first Model Dolls, Bella Auden. I still need to find her "real" eyes, they are pink in the Vampire Ball limited version, so that is what I am looking for, though I do like these grey eyes.

We walked up the river this evening after going around with the realtor and having dinner, and saw ducklings:

A blue heron:

The Millenium Tower (which has a bell carillion that plays):
And the moon behind the tower, above a little hill. It was a pleasant evening.
