I traded away my purple Migma head. It seemed like the sensible thing to do--Soom made two purple heads for every one purple body, and I assumed that mathematically I was never going to find Raisin her matching purple body at any price, so I found someone with a white Cuprit head-- that I already had the matching body and hooves for. It all sounded quite reasonable, until TWO DAYS later Soom announced they were offering purple bodies for sale a la carte (and this after cleaning out ALL my doll money for 2012). Then my trade for the Cuprit head has somehow descended into drama and strangeness, and I was really, really regretting sending Raisin off.
And then an amazing thing happened--an EMT in Connecticut had a spare lavender Migma head, and took pity on me and sent it, for a very modest sum, over to me this weekend, knowing I was kicking myself for my (in hindsight) regrettable trade. So right now I know I need to fix her drooping left-side lashes that I stuck on a bit randomly, but she is the most beautiful little head ever, because of Raven's generosity. <3
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