Bird and a Mirror

"Who is that pretty boy?"

Yes, show a Bird a mirror and look what happens. The flaming wig is courtesy of Tygati, and I may keep it as his party wig. Bird also looks good in Gothy stuff, though the outfit is swiped from another doll who probably doesn't want to part with it, since it's all he has at the moment.

The bad news: the old Super Gem tops are too tight across the chest, unless you have something stretchy.

It looks like he fits the Super Senior Delf clothes perfectly, and he might be able to wear suits designed for SD17 dolls as well, not that I am buying Bird Volks clothes anytime soon. I am very glad I bought a stand for him, though.


  1. Bird *is* hot!! Of course since he is a Firebird, that makes sense :D He's a big guy, too--none of the shirts I have fit him too well.


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