Iplehouse SID Vera At Home!

And the box! I didn't bother with taking a photo of the outer box; and I was a little peeved that it was big enough for two dolls so Vera flopped around inside of it. I also paid extra for the air gap. :p

But here was what was inside :D:


SQUEE HER FACE IS PERFECT! In person her lips are not as bright, the camera wants to saturate that red. She is Normal Skin (which is super pale). That is the new, slimmer SID (Senior Iplehouse Doll) body, with new knees and elbows. I have to say I like both a lot, both for aesthetics and for posing!  She is the Small Bust.

My biggest worry was that her head would "sit" on top of her neck, because the head is an NYID head and the neckhole (I thought) would be smaller than the SID neck. Happily, I was wrong! She fits perfectly and has a great range of motion. As a side note I like her default Glib eyes. If you order a doll in the winter and it gets cold, those eyes will crack. Ordering in July/August seems to be a safer bet if you want to keep them, though honestly they are not super expensive if you need to replace them. I think these are 12mm with a larger pupil. They fit her eyewells fine!

And her WIG FITS. She has a small head, sort of a 7/8 if the wig is stretchy. She is supposed to be Rosemary Carter, a Jillaroo/fossicker from Lightning Ridge, Aus; which is just an excuse for cowgirl outfits and fake sculpey opals. She still needs her hat and a geologist's pick. K asked me if I was going to get Hugh Jackman as well and I am sort of tempted... but poor. Also the Iple SID is a lot larger than the female SID, and in Real Life I think Nicole Kidman is taller than Hugh Jackman.

The SID body is great. I would like it even more with the simpler stringing and hip cuts, but to be honest these problems would have been solved if I had bought the mobility thighs. If I wanted her to ride a plastic Target horse I would need to dislocate her hips for the photos, but it is possible to do that (carefully) and then fiddle the hip latches back into their slots. Here she is with her great new elbows:

She can cross her legs at the ankles:

She can kneel, if you pull out one hip and mess with it. She still can't point her toes--her ankles are better, but still not as good as the Soom Super Gems. They also slip a bit in some poses, I need to hot glue them for better traction.

Note her hand is stabilizing the pose here.
Here is simple kneeling:

Here is the back of the new knees, with their little locks:

I thought I might get her to stand on one foot--once I suede her ankles that might be possible, but not yet :

I got her to stand like this but I wasn't willing to step away :D.

But she stands fine with both feet on a flat surface.
The dress is an Iplehouse NYID dress as I recall, it fits fine on her small bust. She's so cute!


  1. hello , first of all, thank you for your review.
    I have question.
    you said the vera head fits to SID body perfectly, isn't there any empty space?
    I'm soooo worried about empty space.. plz answer me when you have time . thanks

    1. Blogger hid this comment forever (shakes fist). There is a small gap around the edge, I think that is just because of the shape of the neck and how the head fits on it--you cant see it unless you hold Vera upside down. I don't have her now, I had some regrets that I did not buy the Elf Vera and paint her myself, and a friend was willing to adopt her :D


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