Ringdoll Zandro (Halloween Tarot Special)

Yes, it's a bjd doll with his own Tarot deck. He's not even up on the Ringdoll site yet, but he will be released on Halloween. There may or may not be an actual, human sized tarot deck to go with him--though it looks like, large or small, there will only the 22 majors and not the full 78 deck. Because that would be bananas ;) I poached these photos off Ringdoll's Instagram, thanks to Chalyss' sharp eyes and kindness in letting me know he was coming. Here is more:

The human cards..might..be just props. I absolutely love his outfit and styling--he is a big boy at 70 cm, a "Ringdoll Grown" I think will be his category. You can take a look at the other dolls in this size--the Red King and the Judge of Hell are awesome, I am pretty side-eye about the quasiNazi ones. 0.o

 More Zandro:

A peek at his deck:

Now you would say HOW PERFECT IS THIS GUY?? And you would be right, but I bought something else that I have needed for ten years that was pretty much the same price, so no new dolls for me:

yes, it's a big green velvet couch. I realize that the cat will savage it and it will show every hair, but it's big enough to stretch out on, and the color actually goes with my house (I don't have the black/white/gray color scheme that is hot now, I have the Hippy Plant and Rock thing instead). I also tell myself that I can't sit on a doll :D The couch comes in a week or so.


  1. The couch is awesome sauce and the tarot cards are rad!

    1. Thank you! I can't wait to see the couch for real in the house!


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