Tuft and Paw
I found this spiffy site for designer cat furniture because I am a Medium member, and the designer had written an article on How He Got Banned From AirBnB, which very much resonated with me. He wrote:
After reaching out to support, I received the following unsettling email.
After reaching out to support, I received the following unsettling email.
Hi Jackson,Please understand that we are not obligated to provide an explanation for the action taken against your account. Additionally, we consider this matter closed and will no longer reply to any inquiries regarding your account.
Okay, this is a tough spot. Somehow I’ve violated the terms of service, but they won’t tell me which ones. And I can’t communicate with them anymore.
Seems a little harsh.
Since this was exactly the wordage I got when I was booted off Twitter, I was sympathetic. He thinks he was plinked because he left an outside review of an awkward stay on Google, I think I was banned for suggesting Stephen Miller needed a cockpunch. In either case, the companies offered no basis for the banning and no means of adjucating the dispute. In my case, it's just annoying and I was a troublemaker; in Jackson's case it has an economic downside that he can't repair, for highlighting a problem with the service. And I think there does need to be legislation saying that tech companies have an obligation to have outside mediation before dropping a customer, because they so dominate the economy at this point. And they stifle free speech.
Anyway, the cat furniture is really gorgeous--not cheap, but how often do you buy litterbox covers? My cat would love the felt boulder to sleep in now that it's getting cold, and the wall scratching post could save someone's couch (I give a side eye to my couch). Plus the cat photos are adorbs.
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