Intermediate Onyx

I have this wonderful Onyx head, and even a body to put it on. This faceup was done with an airbrush and looks very professional, but it was just...not what I wanted, and it was somewhat loved and worn, so I spent an hour yesterday cleaning it off and putting on a new, more amateur faceup on her. It's a good thing the dolls don't care!
Here is the Original Light Onyx if you want to see how Soom painted her (mine is of course the Light version--I would love the Dark version too, but Arianne02 might have the only one.) Eventually I may send her out to be professionally painted.
The dry weather means that I have to start watering. I know where the faucets are in back, but in front there is just a faucet in the garage to do the front lawn and plantings. A faucet with hot and cold taps,right by the garage door. This was so that George, one of the previous owners with a car hobby, could scrub up before going inside.(I suspect he is the one who left the Chrysler key and ignition on a rafter in the garage.) In Chicago, of course, any tap in an unheated garage by a door is subject to freezing, so last fall I shut off the valves further inside the garage and drained the lines. Of course today I couldn't remember which pipe was the cold and which was the hot, and since I was watering I had no need of the hot, so I turned on the valve that was on the pipe that wasn't insulated, spent 20 minutes putting on a hose on the faucet, discovering the washer was bad, found another hose, cleaned all the threads, screwed on the hose, turned on the unlabelled tap (the switches in the garage are upside down, so I had no confidence in the H or C markings)--and promptly put smokin' hot water into my front door, which happened to be what the sprinkler was pointing at. So I turned everything off, thinking WHO INSULATES A COLD WATER LINE...oh..the hot won't freeze but the cold might. D'oh. I have to add that all the valves in the basement (though not in the garage) have hang tags labelled with what they are, which I thought was sort of overkill. Now I am going to find the extra tags, neatly stacked by the departed George, and fill out two more.
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