Summer Garden Photos

I am putting these up because my brother might like them-- and more importantly, stuff isn't dead yet. I just put in some new plants and there is never any way to tell what will thrive and what will get nasty in two weeks. My echinacea from last year is doing ok, though the roses that came with the house are having a mighty Japanese beetle party right now--I was out this morning with the mason jar full of wine, trying to knock beetles off the bushes into the jar. I caught quite a few, but there are plenty more.
Marigolds--I am not sure it's possible to kill marigolds. I have even stepped on them and they spring back. You can see where I need to re-primer the side of the house and hoe up some weeds, too. The bush by the gate is a mulberry, and it's just covered with berries, which the birds like... and we track all over the floors in the house.
Everything looking suspiciously neat from just being planted.
And where the gray cat is living right now--he just hangs out around here all day, rolling occasionally in the dirt and menacing rabbits. It's a pretty good life, though he needs to be combed occasionally for burrs.
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