Random Thursday and Friday photos

We went to Naperville last night for dinner, since I am milking this fridge thing for all it's worth, and not cooking. We ate and wandered around downtown afterwards; the weather was perfect. I took a blurry photo of a cute dress at Francesca's:
The fabric is all hand-beaded, embroidered and sequined--I have no idea how you would wash it, but it's mighty fine.
Today it's another nice day--I should clean more gutters and wash windows and the car, but instead I weeded. I can't believe how much plant stuff there is out there considering it was a barren, snowy wasteland from last December until April.
The weeds grow just as enthusiastically as the purchased plants. And the butterflies have finally arrived, along with this moth--this is the kind of moth that drinks nectar and looks a bit like a hummingbird; this particular one was damp and not flying well enough to run off, but flapping well enough to be blurry. Since we have had a shallower pond this season, I have noticed a lot more variety in the bug life hanging around the yard.
Isn't that fun? I usually get the more brown ones that hover like hummingbirds; I'd love to find a mandevilla that can overwinter here and provide food for them (and the hummingbirds!)