
This is a personal Poser project that I am hoping to share with someone else, but I need to get it enough done and fixed that she will like it :D You can see here the lips I painted don't quite fit on the lip shape..I have a guide: but until you actually paint on it and render it out, it's hard to see what goes where. The guide isn't random, it's where the polygons of the model really are--each corner of the polygons have a number that the computer knows, in three dimensions (x-- usually left to right on your screen; y,up and down on your screen, and z, in and out on your screen.) Here's the mesh on the model: (The hair is just a "hat"). The base photo texture is "Copper" by Fenrissa , and it's nice in that it's already stretched across the maps, but still needs a lot of work because photos have bright spots and shadows that are no good in a render, since the computer's lights don't match the original reference photos. Also so...