Last week you sent me a message to this blog asking to be sure "to let you know if I had any question or comments"; I am sure to make your service better. Since the message was prompted by a google alert of a passing mention of "Comcast" in a post, I find it a bit creepy that you would contact my blog on such a minor thing, while managing, as a company, to piss me off in all kinds of ways. Let me emphasise that it is not your underpaid and overworked employees that irritate me; but your stupid, and in the long term, short-sighted corporate policies. I have some suggestions for you up there on the VP level in Comcast Tower in Philadelphia: (1) When I go visit your little regional office, trailing some piece of broken Comcast equipment, or even better after receiving a fire-and -brimstone phone message telling me to return old equipment or face the consequences, or carrying some fucked-up piece of billing, this is NOT a good time to request your exhausted employees ...