Angelsdoll Bomi's Head Arrives

Well, it looked a little grim at first. No broken pieces visible... A Seoul newspaper would have fit in there certificate, I guess? I kept the EMS label just in case. Looks like a head :D Yes! It's a smiling head, no breaks no chips! She will look even better with eyes, but I like her! Cute profile! She looks like she will take a bigger wig, more on the size 9 size, or a stretchy 8/9, and maybe 12mm eyes. I will have to see what I have in the box. She reminds me a little of the pleasant Iplehouse Harin, a very cheerful person. I need to figure out what body to put her on, I don't have a spare ns one at the moment but maybe she can share something. Her neck is a little on the small side--interestingly it looks like there are spaces for silicone nubs in her neck: Her name is on the inside of the head, but I am a little puzzled by the lack of certificate. Is that normal for Angelsdoll?