Rex is up at Iplehouse

..And he has a really good wig. Though I love the sculpt, and the wig (a style you formerly had to make with your own scissors), his uniform is about 200 years too late to be of interest to me and I am still recovering from last winter's dolly buying spasm. Here is the sales page
Iplehouse didn't send me his promo photos, but they did send the following alarming notice:
Dear customer, Hello, this is Iplehouse.
There is one disappointing news regarding shipping to Russia.
On May 13th, there has been a fire in Moscow post office and because of this fire, all EMS package to Russia has been blocked.
EMS informed us that they wil get more information from Russian post office on May 20th.
And until then we are not sure when we can send package to Russia again.
We will inform you as soon as we get more information from EMS.
To get more information, please contact Russian post office directly.
Best regards,
And I am thinking, no EMS in ALL OF RUSSIA?? EMS was the only secure way to ship packages in, even though it cost the earth; and one fire brings the system down? And if this happened on May 13, why wasn't there a notice of it on say...Google News? Instead of Kardashian babies, for example? Then again, it might have been just a couple of computers. News story is here:
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