Aurelia's New Scarf

Girrl has been busy knitting--she sent me this gorgeous red and glitter and gold bead scarf for Aurelia; a good thing since the high Monday is supposed to be negative four. I hope they are wrong. In any case, Aurelia will be warm AND magnificent--look how long it is!

Very suitable for a Dragon Empress! (Though now there is a need for a matching red velvet dress!). Girrl is amazing! And she has a bunny/doll blog too!


  1. Whaoh! she's good! I've tried that yarn and it's a battle to work with. That looks fabulous!

    1. Just knitting amazes me! She does all kind of projects with all kinds of yarn--lately she has been doing these teeny scarves. In person they look just like the 1:1 scale ones!


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