
Back in 2012, Soom did a hugely popular Free Choice Event of their early fantasy dolls, where you could order things like Beryl, Cuprit and Topaz in any color as long as it wasn't the original color. You could also mix and match heads and bodies, though you had to buy a head and a body. So a lot of people ordered a) Vesuvia as a full doll (I have the one in Normal Skin, she was originally released in a lavender glitter resin) and b) a Topaz body with whatever head they really wanted. This was because the Topaz body was the cheapest one and the closest to the normal human body--she came with clear orange fantasy hands and feet, though since her fantasy feet you can't use to stand her up on, Soom also included human flat feet and heel feet with her. The problem later came when people took off the head they wanted and then popped out the headless body on the Marketplace--I think the normal skin bodies got picked up right away, because it's easy enough to get normal skin han...