Looking for Some Legs

See that cute little mermaid on the left? She is a quite rare Domuya Aria, and I think when she was new she also shipped with some human lower legs. I also think that Domuya used the normal upper msd thighs on her and then added the tail...but the problem is, Domuya closed up shop a couple of years ago and I have no idea how popular their msd sizes were, because I never looked at them. Domuya was based in Singapore and I think sold much or most of their dolls to Hong Kong and mainland China before the husband-and wife owners split and dissolved the company. So it's a long shot to ask if anyone has extra legs or even an extra girl body they would be willing to part with. Aria here is the Domuya NS, which is pretty pale compared to most current NS mixes. (she is next to an NS 2006 Delf boy body). Anyway, contact me on tumblr or Den of Angels if you do have something--I'm "fishcake" there too.
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