Stripey vs Squeaky

I was walking around the house, cleaning up and absent-mindedly squeaking Squeaky The Rubber Rat, and Stripey was racing along behind me like this 0_o. So J took Squeaky and set her on the back of the couch, and wiggled the rat. This was even more perplexing for poor Stripey:
"It doesn't smell like anything!"
("Better poke it to be sure").
We did a few other things yesterday, including ordering the table saw that might be used to put down floor in the living room eventually, and also we went to JoAnns, where I was planning on getting a coat pattern and some fabric. Alas, there came an announcement over the PA that JoAnns was unable at the moment to process anything but cash at this time, which meant I just got the cheaper pattern and no fabric. The cause of the credit problem? "Solar flares".
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