Friggin' Wigs

Yes, this is the same old Fataio wig that Aldwood has been wearing since he was painted up. I was never quite happy with it because it's short and doesn't pull back into the regulation queue in the back, and I hadn't found a longer wig in the right color/texture--I did find one and it looked so much better on his mom (an Iplehouse Doria) that she is wearing it now. I finally gave up and went out Saturday, and bought a skein of Lion Acrylic yarn in the right color, made a wig cap out of white felt (after a couple of false starts), picked apart sections of the yarn, and made this wig:
Which was OK, but also a not an amazing wig for 8 hours of stitching, and you can really see how wimpy those eyebrows are. So I changed out his eyes for the new ones, took off the eyelashes that were shedding, and repainted his eyebrows..and tried on a Jpopdolls Kana wig on him that was kicking around, and it looked a hundred times better than the yarn one.
It's not fond of being tied back though, it tends to slide out and look messy. So I went and retrieved the old wig and slapped it on Aldwood again. I did read on the blog "British Tars" that the default hair style was in fact a bob a lot like what he's wearing, instead of the long queue; and as the blog consists of painstaking original research on contemporary engravings, I tend to believe them. Also, the old wig fits fine. The yarn wig is now on Ami, who is being a fit model for the incoming, and hopefully size-identical, Venus. Ami looks pretty cute in it:
And totally unrelated, my water lily is actually trying to make a lily:
The sunflower gets a star for trying:
We had a short, very vigorous little storm yesterday and that didn't improve anything in the yard, though squirrels might be responsible too. You never know with squirrels.
I vaguely remember something about bag wigs for formal occasions, sort of a head band, faux ponytail like black bag, tied ribbon thing so that guys who had cut their hair off for the doldrums (that hot sweaty sticky bit of the atlantic, not the emo kind) (or lice!) could show up looking fully dressed?
Yep, and I need to make one of those for formal occasions. Apparently ships/salt spray were hell on wigs so they spent most of the time in a box, waiting for shore occasions.