Cat Mask

This is actually Cat's birthday present--she was born on Halloween! How cool is that? Anyway, it came from Target but I felt it had insufficient bling and I underestimated how long it would take to bling it and line it.
Since I have been working, the cat twice now has brought me lunch at the computer:
She comes down the hall, drops it in the studio, and leaves. I always thank her. Mostly for not dropping them off alive! She was not willing to pose in the recent Iplehouse box, btw:
Fall has come and there are a million mice and voles on the march out there--it is a pretty time of year, though.
And finally, today's Hat, with the proudest Raven in the land:
The front with the veil, which IMO needs a little tweaking:
At least you get protein! Stripy-cat is a might hunter. Tama cat always comes running in with a piece of paper he has managed to purloin from either my patterning or something from the junk mail bag, drops it and runs off like a crazy thing.
Aww Tama is so cute!!! And paper is easy to clean up...I took the vole out and had an awkward conversation with my neighbor while I was holding it in the tongs (I put the voles and mice in the compost heap instead of the trash, unless they are in a Victor trap).
DeleteThat is so exciting though--I saw the Zillow photos of your house in town and fell in love with it--you can grow all the camellias and azaleas that would just die here, and you still have a month to work out there. I just have 9 million leaves to drag into the back!